Don’t Let the Weather In – or Out!

Austin has some harsh weather and over time it causes wear and tear on buildings. Generally, homeowners respond by fixing up exteriors through painting or replacing siding or shingles or so forth. These tend to be expected home repairs that become necessary over time. Because these are visible issues, homeowners address them first. However, weather and age affects your windows as well. Windows, probably because we are looking through them instead of at them, tend to get overlooked.

Replacement windows in Austin Texas are easy to acquire but how do you know if you should replace your windows? Like any structure, the lifespan on most parts of a house that are exposed to the elements tends to wane around 15 years or so. Therefore, if your house is fifteen years old or older and has not had its windows replaced within that time frame now’s the time for a checkup. Look for issues such as trouble opening and closing your windows.

Another issue to look for when determining whether you should get replacement windows in Austin Texas is whether your windows have seal issues. Look for signs of water damage or leaks around your windows. If you see weathering that occurs on the exterior of your home in the interior of your home around the windows then it is certainly time to look for replacement windows. Leaky windows wreck havoc on your walls and carpet and allow the weather inside when it should be kept outside. Letting moisture into the walls and into your house leads to damaging mold which is harmful to your health as well as your home.

Replacement windows in Austin Texas may improve your energy bills. If your heating and cooling bills seem higher than they should be then it might be your windows and not your HVAC unit that are to blame. Even if your windows are not necessarily letting in water, they could be letting air escape. This means larger heating or cooling bills for you than are necessary. During the summer months when your air conditioner is working in overdrive or during the winter months when your heater is cranking out heat, trying to keep the house at a comfortable living temperature is more difficult when warm or cold air is escaping outside. Many homeowners report improvements in their energy bills as a result of getting replacement windows.

Replacement Windows Austin Texas – Concerned about your heating and cooling bills? Think your old windows may be to blame? Call us today at 512-989-7000 or visit our website at for a free quote on quality replacement windows Austin Texas for your valued property.

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